Why Qualefy

Qualefy is a registered Private Limited company with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and a Certified Member of The National Association of Software and Service Companies - NASSCOM.

We provide our clients tailored solutions with our custom software development services. Our proprietary tools, software & platforms centralize information to ensure speed, quality, agility, and affordability. We believe that the integrity and character we inculcate in our employees will reflect in the services we provide to our clients as well.



Our web development services enable us to create interactive fan experiences, ticketing platforms, and data analytics tools, boosting engagement and revenue in the sports industry. 


We offer a range of services to enhance your online retail success. Our web development team can create user-friendly websites and mobile apps, improving the customer shopping experience. 

Finance and Banking

We provide a range of services to meet the unique needs of the finance sector. We specialize in legacy system conversion, which modernizes outdated infrastructure, leading to improved efficiency and compliance. Our system administration services ensure data security and seamless operations.


At our organization, we offer a range of services to enhance healthcare accessibility and improve patient care. We specialize in web development to create patient-friendly portals and telemedicine apps. 


We empower manufacturing companies to streamline their operations, from inventory management to supply chain optimization. 

Transportation and Logistics

we enhance efficiency and effectiveness in the Transportation and Logistics industry. Our web development expertise allows us to create efficient tracking systems and customer portals, improving transparency and communication.


We offer a range of services to empower the education industry. Our web development expertise can craft intuitive e-learning platforms. while legacy system conversion modernizes outdated educational systems. 

Entertainment and Media

We create user-friendly entertainment websites and apps, enabling better audience engagement. Legacy system conversion modernizes content distribution and management systems. 
